The Complete Athletic ​Transformation System


Personal ​Performance





CATS is built upon three principles

Personal performance is treating everyone like an athlete, even if you aren’t one yet or have goals of becoming ​one. We utilize the same methods that advanced athletes use to get and stay advanced. This means ​personalized systems for continued growth so that we can give you the adaptability that athletes use to stay at ​the top of their game. Injuries, even minor, are often the single biggest reason that people lose their ​consistency and don’t achieve their goals. We train you smarter and keep your risk down. By treating you as an ​athlete with performance goals, you'll improve at a rate significantly faster than your peers.

The problem with typical training systems is that they’re designed to solve one problem. As we all know if the ​only tool you ever owned is a hammer then everything in the world looks like a nail. What works in your 20s ​might not work in your 50s. Good training should be able to meet the demands of your life no matter your age ​or ability. Crafting personalized programs ensures that we are always keeping you safe and progressing no ​matter your age or ability.

If you ask the average trainer a question about biomechanics they’ll freeze and then spout some nonesense ​they learned from a weekend course. The fact is, biomechanics takes years to learn and implement ​intelligently. That’s why I spend years learning from the foremost experts in our field. That means our ​programs work to not only help you make progress much faster than the average client, but also much more ​safely!


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